Examination Pattern

UG : As per NMC Guidline: https://www.nmc.org.in/information-desk/for-colleges/ug-curriculum

PG : As per NMC Guidline: https://www.nmc.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/MD-Physiology-1.pdf

University Exam:

  1. It is required to pass theory and practical exam separately. i.e. failing in any head means to reappear for both theory and practical exam after 2 months and then with the next batch
  2. Total 200 Marks Exam.(140 Theory & 60 Practical)
  3. Theory (Total 140)
    1. Paper I (50 marks)
    2. Section I
      • Cell physiology, physiology of Blood, Immunity, Cardiovascular physiology, Excretory physiology,
    3. Section II
      • General physiology, Gastrointestinal physiology, Respiratory physiology, Muscle and Nerve Physiology, Biophysics, Exercise physiology, underwater physiology, high altitude physiology)
    4. Paper II (50 Marks)
    5. Section I
      • Endocrine Physiology, Reproductive physiology
    6. Section II
      • Autonomic nervous system, Special senses, Central nervous system physiology)
    7. INTERNAL 20 MARKS (derived from periodic theory tests and periodic mcq tests)
    8. Practical (Total 60)
    9. Objectively Structured Practical Examination
      • Hematology procedure station 5 marks
      • Clinical procedure station (include 3 exercise of 5 marks each)
      • Question station (include 4 stations of 5 marks each)
      • Viva stations (include 2 stations of 10 marks each)
      • INTERNAL 20 marks (to be derived from periodic practical exam and periodic viva voce)
  5. System ending MCQ tests. (taken after ending of respective system)
  6. 1st terminal test (in December)
    Preliminary (in May)
    University (in July)