Ophthalmology Department started functioning from 3rd January , 1997 with joining of Dr Nilesh Parekh as Assistant Professor.The full fledged functioning Ophthalmology section of the Sir-T Hospital was incorporated into the department of ophthalmology.With passage of years tiny department has blossomed into a full fledged Tertiary Care, P.G. Teaching Institute.

Facilities in Ophthalmology Department

  • Routinely Doing refraction and distribution of glasses to school going children under school health programme.
  • Keratometry, A-Scan, and IOL master for Calculating IOL power preoperatively for cataract surgery.
  • Cataract Surgery with SICS & PHACOEMULSIFICATOIN Method are done.
  • Nd:Yag laser capsulotomy for posterior capsular opacification following cataract surgery.
  • Lid surgery - Entropion, Ectropion, Ptosis and Primary and Secondary lid laceration repair.
  • Facility of Octopus Perimeter, Applanation tonometre, Non contact tonometer & Shiotz tonometry for evaluation of glaucoma.
  • Facility for Laser Iridectomy, Anti glaucoma Surgery and Cyclocryotherapy for glaucoma cases.
  • Specular Microscopy available for evaluation of endothelial cells count and their structure.
  • Corneal perforation repair, Keratoplasty, Enucleation, Evisceration, Laser & Conventional Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), Pterigium excision with limbal stem cell grafting, Amniotic membrane grafting and fornix reconstruction surgery all are done in our department.
  • We have facilities of Ultra Bio – Microscopy (UBM) for anterior segment evaluation and Ultra Sonography (B - Scan) for posterior segment evaluation.
  • We are running retina clinic every Thursday and doing Fundus fluorescein angiography, Retina laser routinely for diagnosis and tre




Free Paper Presentationon "REIGERSANOMALY"

Free Paper Presentationon "REIGERSANOMALY" presented by Dr.Himank M Doshi, 2nd year resident at All Gujarat Ophthalmological Society (AGOS)conference,2014


Freepaper- siliconsling for congenital to sisof varying degree

Dr.Hetal patel, 3rd year Resident, presented this freepaper-"siliconsling for congenital to sisof varying degree" in All Gujarat Ophthalmological Society" Conference 2012

Freepaper- "Amniotic membrane grafting in ocular surface disorder"
Dr.Priyanka Thilak, presented this Freepaper-"Amniotic membrane grafting in ocular surface disordersin" All Gujarat Ophthalmological Society" Conference2012


Objective is to provide such skill and knowledge to the student that shall enable him to practice as an ophthalmic clinician and also to function effectively as a community health leader to assist in the implementation of NPCB programme for prevention of blindness and rehabilitation of the visually impaired. 

The teaching & training will be carried out as per broad syllabus below


  • Anatomy & physiology
    1. Embryology and anatomy
    2. The physiology of the eye
    3. The physiology of vision
    4. The neurology of vision
  • Ophthalmic optics
    1. Elementary optics
    2. Elementary physiological optics
    3. The determination of the refraction
    4. Resuscitation: artificial respiration.
    5. Errors of refraction
    6. Anomalies of accommodation
  • The examination of the eye:Therapeutics
    1. External examination
    2. Examination of the fundus.
    3. Examination of retinal function
    4. Examination of retinal function
    5. General therapeutics
  • Diseases of the eye


Department of Ophthalmology, Medical College, Bhavnagar is actively participating in all the activities of N.P.C.B. The district blindness control society office is located in the department. DR N.V .PAREKH, associate professor, is serving as the programmer officer N.P.C.B for bhavnagar district.

  • Extra Curricular Activities:
    1. Birthday parties of staff members.
    2. Birthday parties of students.
    3. Amusement tours-2/years


  • Co-Curricular Activities:
    1. Symposia on different subject 4/year
    2. Membership of bhavnagar ophthalmological society.
    3. Conducted workshops on diff subjects 4/year.
  • Cataract Surgery:

Since, last 5 years bhavnagar district & medical college ,bhavnagar have achieved more than 100% of the target alloted. the N.G.O.s also participate in the activity.free I.O.L are implanted in all patients.foldable acrylic I.O.L are used in the department and free implantation is done.

  • School Eye Screening:

All the schools of the district are covered and all needy children have been provided free specta


    • Practical:
    • 1st & 2nd Internal taken at the end of 1st & 2nd clinical posting in ophthalmology as an OSCE.
    • Theory
    • 1st internal taken in 5th semester as MCQ Test.
      2nd internal taken as MCQ Test in 6th semester.
  3. Theory & Practical taken in university exam style at the end of 7th semester.
  5. The exam conducted by Bhavnagar university as per MCI norms.
Select Year:
    Department of Ophthalmology
    Title Action

Department Publication

Publication Year 2019 to 2023

    DR NILESH V PAREKH (Professor & Head Of The Department)

    • Clinical features and management of chemical injuries to the eye in Ocular news and views , Issue-3, Vol-1, Jan 2005.
    • Sturge-Weber syndrome a case report in Gujarat Medical Journal, March 2007
    • Primary Optic Atrophy in Osteopetrosis,  DOS journal, Oct- Dec 2013, Vol 24 # 2, pages 119-122
    • Oculodentodigital dysplasia - (Photo Essay)Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Vol 64, Issue 3, pg 227,March-2016.ISSN:0301-4738,3rd author
    • Original Article -Study of Intra Ocular Pressure changes after ND:Yag Laser Capsulotomy  in Patients with  Pre Procedure Timolol(0.5%) eye drops and without Timolol (0.5%) eye drops. 2nd author; Int J Res Med. 2016; 5(2);128-131 e ISSN:2320-2742 p ISSN: 2320-2734
    • Original Article -Screening and Result Analysis of Retinopathy of Prematurity in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Neonates.Original article, NJIRM 2017,Vol 8(2) March-April pISSN 2230-9969, Page  166-167. Second Author
    • Original Article- A prevalence study of ocular manifestations in HIV positive patients on highly active anti-retroviral therapy,third author,  International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | July 2019 | Vol 6 | Issue 7,  pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040
    • Original Article -A comparative study of Macular thickness in Primary open angle glaucoma patients and Normal patients- Gujarat Medical Journal,December-2019, Vol 14, Issue12., First author, ISSN 0971-9342, International Index Copernicus
    • ASE REPORT-Association of Retinitis Pigmentosa with Mental Retardation and Subluxated lens- Gujarat Medical Journal,December-2019, Vol 14, Issue12., First author, ISSN 0971-9342, International Index Copernicus
    • Original Article- Clinical analysis of CSME by Slitlamp biomicroscopy with + 90 D lens, OCT and FFA among patients of diabetes mellitus- cross sectional observational study. First author, page 20-25, Gujarat Medical Journal, August 2020, Volume 15, Issue 08.
    • Original Article- A comparative study of tear film tests in Diabetic and Nondiabetic patients-A cross sectional study, First author, Gujarat Medical Journal February 2021, Vol 16, No 2, page 27-33

    DR HARISH R TRIVEDI (Professor)

    1. National

    1.Role of mobile phone in spreading Hospital acquired infection: a study in different group of health care workers (National Journal of integrated research in medicine NJIRM 2011, vol 2(3) July-September page 61-66)

    2. Evaluation of Strabismus on 0-18 years of age group in tertiary health care hospital: A prospective cross sectional observational study (Indian Journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology Article Acceptance date 25.11.2020

    Publication month June 2021)


    1. International

    1.comparative study of different concentration of tryphan blue for staining of capsule in mature cataract using RGB scale in “adobe photoshop image reader “(the internet journal of ophthalmology and visual science 2010, volume 8, number 1)

    2. comparison of ropivacaine 0.75 % and bupivacaine 0.5 % in peribulbar block for cataract surgery (the internet journal of anesthesiology, tm issn, volume 23, number 2,2010)

    3. comparison of ropivacaine 0.75 % and bupivacaine 0.5 % on intraocular pressure after peribulbar block in cataract surgery (the internet journal of anesthesiology, volume 23, number 2,2010)

    4. Assessment of color vision deficiency in medical students by ishihara plates and Farnsworth Munsell 100 HUE test ( international journal of community medicine and public health   Vol 3, No 1 (2016))

    5. Evaluation of dry eye in computer users (international journal of community medicine and public health   Vol 3, No 12 (2016)

    6. A comparative study of central corneal thickness measured by optical coherence tomography among patients of primary open angle glaucoma, normal tension glaucoma and ocular hypertension- cross sectional observational study ( EC Ophthalmology published : February 26, 2019)

    7. Topical bromfenac versus prednisolone: Post cataract safety and efficacy(international journal of community medicine and public health 7nth april 2020)

    DR NEEPA R GOHIL (Associate Professor)

    1. A prevalence study of ocular manifestations in HIV positive patients on highly Active Anti-retroviral therapy. In International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2019 july;6(7)p-issn 2394-6032e-issn 2394-6040
    2. Evaluation of effect of Intravitreal injection Bevacizumab in treatment of Choroidal Neovascular Membrane(CNVM) of the eye. In International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2019 july;6(7)p-issn 2394-6032e-issn 2394-6040

    3. Assessment of risk factors, central foveal thickness, visual acuity outcome and therapeutic approach in retinal vein occlusion patients of different age groups: a retrospective record based study. International journal of community medicine and public health.2016 dec. 3 (12)P issn 2394-6032E issn2394-60402020 may ;7(5)

    4. Sutureless retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens implantation is a viable option in aphakic patients. International journal of community medicine and public health.2016 dec. 3 (12)P issn2394-6032E issn2394-6040 Jan 2020 7(1)

    5. Management of ciliary body staphyloma and complicated cataract with cadaveric scleral patch and superimposed amniotic membrane grafting. Djo delhi j ophthalmol 2017 ;28;70 P-issn 0972-0200

    6. Case of capillary hemangioma of eyelid extending over forehead. I.m.a.g.s.b.news bulletin/july 2011 vol.6 no.

    7. Photo essay-Oculodentodigital dysplasia. Indian j ophthalmol 2016;64:227-30

    8. Primary Optic Atrophy in Osteopetrosis, DOS journal, Oct- Dec 2013, Vol 24 # 2, pages 119-122